Influenza – avian influenza symptom, treatment, cause
What is Influenza?
INFLUENZA is an acute respiratory illness caused by infection with influenza viruses. It affects all age groups around the year. Influenza, usually known as the flu, is a respiratory infection caused by one of the influenza viruses that typically is spread by air or by direct contact. Most cases occur during epidemics, which peak during the winter months nearly every year. A particularly widespread and severe epidemic is called a pandemic.
Influenza viruses are designated as Influenza A, B or C depending on the antigenic characteristics of the particular virus. Influenza occurs in epidemic forms in India particularly during a change of season. Influenza (flu) is a viral upper respiratory illness that comes on suddenly, causing symptoms such as fever, body aches, headache, fatigue, loss of appetite, a dry cough, and a sore or dry throat. The flu is not the same as the common cold; flu symptoms are usually more severe, and you will often miss more work or school than you would with a cold.
Symptoms of Influenza
In Influenza, Symptoms usually subside in 5-7 days. Pneumonia are a common complication. Infection of the heart (Myocarditis) and pericardium (Pericarditis) may occur. The central nervous system (CNS) can also be affected giving rise to encephalitis (inflammation of the brain), transverse myelitis (acute lower-limb paralysis).
Influenza Fever Symptoms –
Influenza is a acute disease similar to all other fevers. Its cardinal symptoms are:
- high temperature,
- aches over the whole body,
- stiffness of the limbs and a sore throat
More about Rheumatic Fever Symptom and Facts on Rheumatic Fever –
Rheumatic Fever is usually confined to children and adolescents; among adults it usually assumes a chronic form. If a child complains of pain in the joints, it should not be ignored because more often than not, the pain is an indication of Rheumatic Fever.
Clinical Features of Influenza
Headache and fever.
Cough, cold and sneezing.
Malaise, weakness and body aches.
Loss of appetite.
Management of Influenza
Complete bed rest.
Hot drinks.
Plenty of fluids orally.