Dental Crowns: Understanding Their Purpose and Use


Dental crowns are one of the most common procedures performed by dentists. Most people know that a dental crown covers and protects a damaged tooth. Even with insurance, dental crowns can be expensive. Some patients wonder if a filling will suffice or if they need a crown.

At our practice, we always suggest what is best for you, whether it’s a dental crown, a filling, or even a dental implant. It’s important to understand the purpose of a dental crown and why you might need one.

What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns, also known as dental caps, cover the entire tooth or a specific part of it. They are custom-made in a lab to meet your specific needs. Crowns serve several functions, including:

        Protecting teeth from infection: By covering a tooth with significant decay, a crown can help prevent infection.

        Supporting damaged teeth: Crowns provide immediate support to damaged teeth, preserving their function and preventing further damage. This extra support is crucial to avoid forcing the mouth to adapt to a damaged tooth, which can lead to misalignments and a bad bite.

Dental Crown vs. Dental Filling

When is a crown necessary, and when will a simple filling suffice? Ultimately, the choice between a crown and a filling is up to the patient. We provide the information and advice you need to make an informed decision. Keeping your teeth in good condition and protecting them from damage is essential for overall health. For instance, after a root canal, a crown is needed to protect the tooth’s integrity and strength, as the tooth becomes weak and brittle without a functioning nerve or blood supply.

When Might You Need a Dental Crown?

There are several situations where we might recommend a crown over a simple filling or waiting:

Broken or Chipped Teeth

If you have a chipped or cracked tooth, getting a crown is highly recommended. It’s crucial to fix the tooth to prevent further damage and minimize the risk of infection.

Severely Decayed Teeth

If a tooth is so decayed that it affects neighboring teeth, a crown can prevent bacteria from spreading to other parts of the mouth.

Large Fillings

Older, large fillings may become insecure. In such cases, a crown can replace the old filling, providing better strength and a more natural appearance.

By understanding the role of dental crowns, you can make the best choice for maintaining your dental health.

This post was written by a professional at Elite Dental and Orthodontics. Your partner for Dental Crowns Marina Del Rey, Elite Dental’s mission is to provide exceptional dental care that brings smiles to life. Whether you’re seeking relief from tooth pain, considering a veneer smile makeover, or require a dental implant, our experienced team is here to guide you on your journey to optimal oral health in Los Angeles, CA.

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